Jitesh's Domain

Game Designer. Producer. Gamer.


Wamble On!

I have been working on a small prototype in Unity engine. After realizing a quick fun mechanic with basic gameplay I stopped working on it for a while.

Finally, I decided to finish the experience and make a web build! My purpose was to make a small game suitable for web + mobile devices. I did not want to invest heavily in terms of audio and visuals (as its a solo project). Also, I did not want to increase the scope. It’s just a small nifty arcade game.

What does Wamble mean?


wamble (ˈwɒmbəl)

vb (intr)

1. to move unsteadily
2. to twist the body
3. (Pathology) to feel nausea

 What an end-user really needs to play this game is:
  • Focus
  • Timing and
  • little bit of Endurance

The idea is to provide an uncomfortable, nauseating experience. Obviously, not what a normal mobile/ web game is about. You will not play this game to relax and chill out. That is not the objective. Saying that, you must never keep playing this game over and over for 30mins or so (unless you really really want to!). This can really cause intense nausea. Just play it in short bursts :]


I am already working on an Android build (90% done). Before I push that out, you should really try to play online:



Do play and shoot your impressions!